Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I love the shorter days of fall, with their lengthening shadows and the low hanging clouds.  There is a whisper of tranquility on the winds of autumn, and a pledge of rest.  

We have been blessed with several days back to back of chill winds dotted with an occasional thunderstorm delivering relief from the long, last days of summer.  It is a rare and welcome gift here in the Mohave desert.  Seeing the Hualapai Mountains, dark against a sliver of open sky, with their shoulders wrapped in thick shawl of gray, hints of cozy evenings and time at home with my family.  My heart has a familiar, wistful aching to return to a place it can never go and to a time that is gone forever. Memories of comfort and care like the fragile clouds spill across my mind until reality, like the peaks of the mountains, nudge back their misty edges.

It is not sad, as it might sound, but more joyful, like the comfort of an old dog knowing that in it's end there is completion and fulfillment.  It has faithfully loved and served.


My first attempt at a word picture.  I feel kind of silly, LOL, but I guess you have to start somewhere.   I see other people do it and I like it SO much when it works, and in my imagination I can really see it.  I just tried to do it backwards and I started with what I see. The music helps.  :/


Retta said...

Your post makes me want to wrap up with a blanket in front of a fire place. I'd even sip a cup of coffee (which by the way I'm drinking again LOL)Great post!!! I'd never have known that this word picture was your first time if I didn't know you!

Representative said...

Aw, Loretta! (((U!))) You are too kind.... no really. LOLOL!!! I'm embarrassed... maybe even shy, believe it or not. Maybe because I knew what I was shooting for and didn't quite hit it. Trying something new is hard, not really to try it so much as letting anybody else see it. EEP! If I had many readers I wouldn't have posted it. HAHA!