Monday, December 1, 2014

Hearing Hard Things

"People hate the truth.  Luckily the truth doesn't care." - Unknown

Truth may not be pleasant, but it's always the best thing, so why is it so hard to hear sometimes?

I will not debate the fools who say things about how maybe truth isn't always best, or there are circumstances in which... blah, blah, blah....  That's ridiculous.  Take your lukewarm, whiny, noncommittal,  ignorant, indecisive, weak little au courant self to a different blog post.  You could be offended here.

There actually is a right and a wrong, a true and a false, a yes and a no, a black and a white, and  (*GASP!*)  moral absolutes.  Not everything has an answer you are going to like, but it does have an answer.  The point is you must learn to know and accept the truth.

All of this bogus business about situation ethics and personal morality is crap.  This "my truth and your truth" is crap.  Logic is helpful, but don't confuse it with truth.  Science is impressive, but don't confuse it with truth.  People are persuasive, but don't be convinced that their words are the truth.  Educators are not "knowers" or  special because they teach, they are people with perspectives and ideologies of their own.  Do not accept everything they say as truth simply because they are paid to say things.

Stick to truth.  No one knows all the truth but if you will  stop running your mouth and stop letting your brain and your imagination do as it pleases, and stop indulging your ego, you can stick to the truth you have and try to increase it.  It's the difference between building strength into your life and soul or scattering it to the four winds.  Use your will!  Remember that thing?  Dust it off and use it.  One day you will wonder how you got in the position you are in in life, and when you do I don't want to hear one single "why me" or who's fault you think it is, who taught you wrongly, or all about your underling societal position.  The truth is available to one and all.  You will have no one to blame but yourself.

I can hear all of the deep, philosophical questions and all of the high pitched rants already, and I'll tell you right now, I'm not going to address them.  Truth is true.  Deal with that.

Truth may not be pleasant, but it's always the best, right thing.

"People hate the truth.  Luckily the truth doesn't are." - Unknown

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