Saturday, March 28, 2015

Order in the Ranks: Part 1

Fairness.  Inclusion.  Tolerance.

Are we all good and sick of this stuff yet?  

Their goal, I believe, is this: Sameness

People all want to be viewed as the same.  I'm sorry.  We are not the same.  We were created uniquely and wonderfully, and should not strive to be the same at all!  We should be striving to be our personal best.

Sameness does not equal Equality.  It will not bring fairness or tolerance.  It can't.  We are all equal, but we are not all the same.

If we were not so insecure we would not be seeking to be like someone else.  If we knew who we were created to be we would be fulfilled in and by our diversity.  We would embrace others in their diversity.

No one can ever legislate it or force us to accept others.  We tend to rebel against such things, and even if we didn't, even if we tried to be tolerant and fair, we would always have an opposing force, an enemy to vent our frustration on.  They want no groups, and you can't be in their group unless you feel that way, too.  Hoo boy.

Strange... the same people love to revel in their uniqueness.  They wan't attention for their efforts because it makes them stand out from "The Same."  Hmmmm... see any conflict here?

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